verse of the day

Sunday 2 March 2014

Faith not emotions. [Hebrews 11]

I read these words ,/Faith is not an emotion, it is a decision to stand on Gods word/,these words reminded me,of the occasion many years ago,when with my wife's encouragement I booked  10 driving lessons. Of course we prayed much about it,and I believe God spoke to me ,that He would help me.I had completed a number of lessons,and put in for my driving test,my instructor did not think I would pass my test.The fact was I could only afford 10 lesson,so by faith I went ahead,on the day of the test my wife and children were praying,as was I,during the test my legs where actually shaking. The examiner was very reassuring ,and to my delight I passed,if I had went with my emotions or even my own understanding instead of faith,I would not have done my test. I believe God would undertake and He did. When I arrived home I went to my bedroom and knelt in prayer,and I opened my Bible and read the following words,/Said I not unto thee,that ,If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God[John 11v40]
A  prayer..../ Dear God help us to walk by faith,to not be ruled by our emotions, or even our own understanding in Jesus name Amen /

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