verse of the day

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Confidence. [Psalm 23 ]

Lets continue thinking of the words of Psalm 31, lets consider v5 /Into Thy hands I commit my spirit/let us remember the context , these words reveal the seriousness of his situation, he felt he could possible die, so if this happened, he was committing his eternal well being to his God. This is a statement of faith, a statement that our Lord Jesus declared on the cross,just as He was about to die [Luke 23 v46]. Death for many is the great unknown,and for many it is something that they dont thing about, we hear that many people are living longer,and we all expect to live longer,this can lull us into a false security.Death may be the great unknown for many ,but for David it held no fear[ Psalm 23v4]. David had no fear of death because His faith was in the Lord [Psalm 23v1],and so with total confidence He committed His spirit to God.Jesus came and died that we could have eternal life, so with the apostle Paul we can with confidence declare, that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. [1 Corinthians 5 v8 ]. Henry F. Lyte wrote,/Where is deaths sting? where grave thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide,[ I love the closing verse of this wonderful hymn] Keep Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes. Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies. Heavens morning breaks, and earths vainshadows flee. In life, in death, O Lord abide with me./[ Dear God we thank for Jesus Your dear son ,who died that we may live,and that when we trust Him ,we can face even death with confidence. Amen ]

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