verse of the day

Thursday 21 April 2011

It is finished. [ John 19 v30 ]

One of the many things that amazes me about my Saviour is, how He never give up ,or allowed anything ,or anyone to distract Him from His ministry ,or mission. He even ministered on the cross to the dying thief, and inspite of all He had to suffer, He also fulfilled His mission ,the work of salvation,for you and for me. His final cry from that cross was a victory cry,it is finished[John 19 v30] Yes the work of salvation is finished, it is not what we do, but what He has done that saves. Have you trusted in Jesus and His finished work on the cross ?, or are you trying to save yourself?. The Gaithers wrote a song called it is finished, it depicts the battle that took place on Calvary, indeed the greatest battle of all time, everything depended on Jesus winning that battle,if He lost that battle then we would be lost, but praise God ,/It is finished the battle is over. It is finished there will be no more war. It is finished, its the end of the conflict.It is finished, and Jesus is Lord/.[ Dear Father we give You praise for Your dear son Jesus, the victorious Jesus, who finished the work of salvation Amen ]

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