verse of the day

Sunday 17 April 2011

Shine [ Matthew 5 v 13-16 ]

In our garden we have a lot of solar lights, but some of the solar lights are not shining, because they need new rechargeable batteries.These lights were made to shine ,but they are failing to do this,and just like those lights we as Christians are meant to shine.Consider what Jesus said in Matthew 5 v16,/ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven/. Are we shining in our homes,jobs, communities ,and wherever God has placed us?, for that is what we are to do. Our Saviour says let your light,yes we have a choice, we can choose to, not let our lights shine, we always have a choice. The shining is linked to good works, there is an awful lot of need in this world,a need of financial help, practical help, help of all kinds, shine. And in shining our motive must always be to bring glory to our heavenly Father.[ Dear God help us in the name of Jesus to shine, Amen ]

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