verse of the day

Thursday 7 April 2011

Consider. [ Psalm 100]

Psalm 100 is a brief Psalm ,only 5 verses,although v1/2 can be seen as one, short though it be, it is full of blessings, and truth. It is known as the old hundredth and has been a favourite Psalm of Gods people, down through the ages.Let us consider v3, Know ye that the Lord is God, there are not many Gods,there is only one, know this, believe this, do not be swayed from this truth. Next we are told,it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves,this goes against evolution,which teaches that we made ourselves, we did not make ourselves, God made us in His image, and for His purpose. Next we are told, we are His people,we who were not a people are now the people of God,once we were seperated from Him by our sin, having no hope, and without God, now we are the people of God.[Ephesians 2 v 11-13 ] Next ,and the sheep of His pasture, [consider Psalm 23/John 10],As a shepherd cares,provides,protects, his sheep, so Jesus our good shepherd will, care, provide and protect, those who are His.[ Dear God thank You for Your grace that has opened our eyes and hearts, to Yourself, in Jesus name. Amen ]

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