verse of the day

Thursday 28 April 2011

Understanding the scriptures.[ 2 Timothy 3 v15- 17 ]

It is so vital that we have an understanding of what the scripture says, it is not enough to read the scriptures, there must be an understanding of them. The Bible is not just a telephone book, it is the word of God,it is not just enough to memorise the word of God. The religous people at the time of Jesus ,knew the scriptures, but failed to understand them,they did search the scriptures, but missed the most important part, that Jesus was the Messiah. [John 5 v 39 ]. In Psalm 119 v27, we read ,/Help me to understand the meaning of your commandments/,when I am going to preach I study the scriptures,seeking to convey the meaning of the scriptures to my hearers. I have many commentaries on the bible, written by godly people,they can help us ,understand Gods word. I attend a church where Gods word is taught ,and explained this is very important, but the person in the pew , must attempt to feed themselves. [ Hebrews 5 v12-14 ] This may appear a difficult task, but we have a helper, the Holy Spirit, who will guide us into all truth. [ Dear God help us to read,and study Your word,and above all else ,help us to understad it, in Jesus name. Amen ]

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