verse of the day

Monday 4 April 2011

Look to Jesus. [ Hebrews 12 v2 ]

I wonder who or what you are looking to ,the football fan looks to their team and certain players, as a football fan ,I see all my football on the TV, I do my own bit of shouting,and criticizing. In my living room I dont have to listen to swearing ,that was until Saturday, when a certain person swore into the camera, after he scored a goal. Who am I looking to? not these imperfect individuals, let me ask the question again ,who are you looking to?. We have a choice ,we can look to imperfect people ,and if we do,dont be surprised if they disappoint us, or suddenly they are no longer there. Let us realize that the one we need to look to, is Jesus, what I am saying may seem very obvious,but so often we forget this, and so let me remind myself and you today ,look to Jesus, if you are not a Christian ,look to Jesus to save you, if you are a Christian,look to Jesus, for your needs,and friendship,if you do, I am sure you will not be disappointed. [ Dear God thank You for your dear son, who is with us all the time,help us in every situation to look to Him. Amen ]

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