verse of the day

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Tears. [ John 11 v35 ]

As I grow older I appear to be more emotional,us British are known for our stiff upper lip, a sort of stoicism,so I am not being typically British. As I prayed this morning ,I felt a certain emotion in relation to,two families in Vietnan, who are suffering for being Christians, I mention their names ,and mybe you could pray for them,Pastor Y Yu, and Pastor Y Co, and their families. Both these men are in prison, they have experienced violence, their families lack food, and medicines, and one family is living in a dilapidated house. Consider the words of Hebrews 13 v 3, Remember those in prison, as if you were there yourself. Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies. And as you remember them dont be ashamed of shedding a tear, God is pleased when we shed tears, for those who are suffering, let us remember our Saviour was a man of sorrows.I will close with a prayer written by Graham Kendrick. [ Soften my heart Lord, soften my heart, from all indifference set me apart, to feel your compassion, to weep with Your tears, come soften my heart , O Lord , soften my heart. Amen ]

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