verse of the day

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Our only hope. [ 1 John 5 v18]

In my study of Johns Epistles ,I read  a very startling statement,  ''that the whole world is under the control of the evil one''[ 1 John 5 v19]There is no place on planet earth where his influence is not felt. In  the 20th century millions and millions of people died in wars and conflict, as many as 50 to 100 million died in such conflicts. The word of God is telling us that the powers of hell are everywhere manifested, and it is a destructive power, there is not one shred of goodness in it. John Stott wrote,'' the world is helplessly in the evil ones grasp, or as David Smith writes,'' the world lies in his arms''. Why is there so much hatred, were so many people do so much
evil?, why the holocaust?, why the suicide bombers?, why so many things we return to what the Bible states, that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. It is frightening ,I hope it at least causes you to  think, but mankind is not made up of innocent people, we are all born sinners, and that means we sin. It is that sinful nature of mankind that the evil one uses to accomplish his evil purposes. [ John 8v 34/44/ 1 John 3 v8]Now although these things are true ,we are told,'' The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil, we can escape from the devil's tyranny by
trusting Jesus as our Saviour. This world of mankind will not get any better
our only hope is Christ, your only hope is Christ.

                                          A prayer.
Dear God we thank you that Christ is the answer, the only answer to the evil
in the world and in our lives Amen

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