verse of the day

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Dont be afraid [Luke 11 v 10]

I read that hippies used to greet old friends by saying,'' Brief and deep,man''.
meaning they were not going to impose on that friendship. I used to call at friends uninvited and at unsuitable times, thinking it was alright, but the friend instead of telling me, talking to me, became very unpleasant, and our friendship was never the same. But of course it did teach me a lesson ,not to assume that people,  appreciate people calling uninvited. It is our Saviour who tells a story of someone calling unexpectedly, we read about it in Luke 11 v 9-10.In the middle of the night a man calls at his friend, he says that he has a visitor, who has been on a journey, and he has nothing to feed him, would he loan him three loaves of bread. He is told that it is not convenient, but the man is persistent, so the he gets what he needs.You see it was not the done thing to call on someone in the middle of the night, but says Jesus he got what he wanted. If a reluctant person responds to his friends needs,how much more will God respond to us when we pray. After all He is our loving heavenly Father, one who delights to answer our prayers.

                                                A  prayer.
Dear God and Father we thank you that you delight in your children, and delight to bless them, because you love them,Amen

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