verse of the day

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Im not going up on the roof. [Psalm 46]

There is a song with the words ,/when this old world is getting me down/,
and then it speaks of getting away from it all on the roof.What do you do when this old world is getting you down?,well I know I could not go on my
roof,I would fall of it,but there is a place I go to,not so much a place but a person,His name is Jesus.Elijah a prophet fled into the wilderness,David
fled into the land of the Philistines,who were the enemies of Israel.Naomi
and her family went into the land of Moab,because of a famine in there own country.Many in these days are fleeing from trouble, from war,oppression,
and poverty.It is a vivid reminder of the insecurity of life on planet earth,
75 percent of people who win the lottery end up bankrupt.Now I do not want to put fear into your hearts,but the reality is , that life is uncertain,we know not what a day may bring forth. So what is the answer to all this uncertain?,well consider the following words,  [Psalm46]
                           God is our refuge and strength
                            a very present help in trouble.
Where or what are you looking to,today,this man is saying that the person of God is his security.
                             Therefore will not we fear.
Be very clear about this,only faith in God, and his son Jesus,can bring us into a place of true security,only faith in a sovereign God,can bring peace,
and hope.
                                       A prayer.
Dear God and Father we draw near to you ,because you alone are,our security,which comes when we know Jesus as our Saviour, Amen.

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