verse of the day

Thursday 21 January 2016

Happiness. [ Psalm 32]

A popular entertainer,used to sing about happiness,the greatest gift that he possessed,what causes you to be happy?.What is the secret of happiness,
winning the lottery?,Helen Green a banker said,/You meet as many people
made unhappy by wealth as happy by it/.When I worked in the mental team,
I found a lot of unhappy people,one lady was always looking for something that would make her happy,a sort of do this,do that thing,she never appeared
very happy.Happiness is a feeling,and the fact is none of us are happy all the time.I think that to some extent we will all experience a degree of feeling happy.We all know about Snow White and the seven dwarfs,only one was called happy,there was one called grumpy,which one are we to today.Now as a Christian I have much to be thankful for ,the greatest gift I have is Christ who is my Saviour,and friend.To know Christ is to be blessed,even when one is sorrowful,even when trials come into ones life.As I face every day,my feelings may alter,because of whatever,but one thing will never alter,knowing Jesus, and the multitude of blessings,that brings into my life.
                              When peace like a river,attendeth my way,
                              when sorrows like sea billows roll;
                               whatever my lot You have taught me to say,
                               It is well,it is well with my soul.

                               Though Satan should buffet,if trials should come,
                               let this blessed assurance control,
                               that Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
                               and has shed His own blood for my soul.

                               My sin-O the bliss of this glorious thought-
                               my sin-not in part-but the whole
                               is nail to His cross,and I bear it no more;
                                praise the Lord,praise the Lord,O my soul.

                                For me,be it Christ,be it Christ hence to live,
                                if Jordon above me shall roll.
                                No pang shall be mine,for in death as in life
                                You will whisper Your peace to my soul.
                                      [Words by Horatio G Spafford]
                    [I will return to my blog on Monday,every blessing]

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