verse of the day

Sunday 17 January 2016

Hope. [1 Corinthians 15 v19 ]

There is a lot of negativity in life ,there are people who are living in the most difficult situations.I have a photo of a slum area in Nairobi,in Kenya
it is awful,people there have so little, many are infected with, HIV/
AIDS, this includes children,the situation is dire.Yet in the midst of that
hopeless situation there are Christians working ,a centre has been set up ,called,Shelter of hope.They have children feeding programme,plus health care,education,emergency relief, plus many other things.I am interested and involved in a ministry called CAP,which reads,Christians against poverty,it seeks to help people who are trouble with debt, the message they bring to people is they can get out of debt,and many people are doing just that,it is a ministry of hope. Being a Christian brings with it the challenge of helping people,missions such as ,Stand by me,help thousand of dear children, there are many more I could mention,as Christians we are called to a life of doing good.[I would just mention that Christians are not saved by there good works,but by simple faith in Christ] Yet the challenge for all Christians is to bring hope to so many who have no hope,in ways I have mentioned.Plus the message of the gospel,this gospel is a wonderful message of hope,for it promises ,forgiveness,freedom,and a multitude of blessings.
                                             A  prayer.
Dear God bless those working among the needy,bringing hope,to the hopeless,in Jesus name Amen.

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