verse of the day

Sunday 30 November 2014

The offense of the cross [ 1 Corinthians 1 v18-23 ]

I like football and like most people consider Real Madrid one of the great sides in the world,just recently it seems that they have had the cross removed from their crest,to appease  the Abu Dubai bank.Because they
are involved with this Islamic bank they do not want to give offence.I am not going to judge them I leave that with God.It reminds me of the growing power of Islam and how much they hate the cross of our lord Jesus Christ,I
wonder if the cross of our Lord Jesus offends you?.In 1 Corinthians 1v18 we read,for the preaching of the cross ,is them that perish foolishness,but to us which are saved it is the power of God.It is Leon Morris who writes,/
The cross was not merely a miscarriage of justice, not only a martyrdom,it was an act of God/.Through Christs death on the cross sin was being dealt with,if we are to be saved we need our sins to be forgiven,Gods answer  is the cross.Through weakness Christ was crucified,but in that very weakness,the power of God was demonstrated,in that sin,satan and death
were dealt with..Again Morris writes,/Christ can deliver men. But men ,of their own endeavours,can never break free ,from various tyrants that hold them in,and confine them to miserable slavery/
                                                     A  pray
To God only wise,be glory through Jesus Christ for ever Amen.

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