verse of the day

Saturday 22 November 2014

Work a miracle. [ Romans 4 v 18-22 ]

Can these bones live?this was the question asked by God to Ezekiel [37v3] ,
Ezekiel was brought to a valley of dead dried bones,a place of despair,and of no hope. That was the present experience of Israel,people whose land had been devastated,thousands of their citizens slain,they find themselves in captivity, in a strange pagan land.In this vision God would work and replace death with life,despair for hope,captivity for freedom. Impossible,dead bones do not live, but with God all things are possible.Yes with God even dead bones can live,and in this vision they did.
   So it is in our lives,we find ourselves in a valley of dry bones,like Israel
a place of utter despair,and if asked the question can things change,can my valley of dry bones experience change?, like Ezekiel you answer I don't know,only God knows.God does know,but He does not only know,He can
bring change,for He can do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power that worketh in us[ Ephesians 3 v20] Ezekiel was told to say to the dry bones ,hear the word of the Lord[37v4] What is God saying to you in your situation,stand on it ,claim it,believe,and it will surely come to pass, in other words have faith in God.
                                         A  prayer
Dear God we bring our valley of dry dead bones to You, and ask that You
would work a miracle for us in Jesus name Amen.

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