verse of the day

Thursday 27 November 2014

Slippery places [Psalm 73 ]

I have just watched a movie when it all ended happily ever after,the goodies won over the baddies,just like real life. Now I always bear in mind that the movies are their to entertain,so that means writing the script in a way that is pleasing to people.Today there are many baddies out there who are crushing the poor,exploiting the vulnerable,and it appears that there is no happy ending.Walt Disney did not write the script of life,for many no prince charming comes, only prince's of darkness. For many life holds no hope,no escape, no justice,only the dark side of life,no one to take their side,no one to speak up for them.Some people are critical of some of the Psalms,and the fierce language that is used. It appears to me they forget how angry Jesus was at those who had turned Gods house into a den of thieves and robbers.Who said to those who devoured widows houses,, ye shall receive the greater damnation.[ Matthew 23 v14]  The prophets were the voice of God continually crying out against injustice [Isaiah 1 v23/Habakkuk 1v4]
In Psalm 73 ,the writer is struggling with what he see's ,the wicked are prospering,corruption is rife,it did not make sense to him, so much so that
he was having a crisis of faith.That is until God opened his eyes,and he see's how God has set them in slippery places, that in a\ moment they are cast  down,into destruction.He asks why,the better question is ,is how long?,  they are cast down,in a moment,and in that moment judgement falls.
                                       A  prayer.
Dear God we do not need to remind You of the evil in this world,You know,and what is more important you will act ,we thank You that Your
justice will prevail,in Jesus name Amen .

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