verse of the day

Sunday 2 November 2014

Cold efficiency [1 Corinthians 13 ]

Some one I know took a needy person to see the doctor,the person was examined by the doctor,and was told that they would need what would be
considered major surgery.The doctor acted in a somewhat inpatient manner
ushering his patient out quickly. The person who had accompanied the person,felt angry as to how this doctor had dealt with his patient.No
reassurance was given,he was coldly efficient, lacking in empathy.It reminds me of what we read in 1 Corinthians 13,that we can speak wonderfully,give sacrificially,and so on,but if love is missing,in Gods eyes,
it counts for nothing.God is not pleased with cold efficiency. Remember God always acts out of a heart of love,He is patient,and caring,not indulgent
but always acting out of a heart of love,for our highest good.
A  prayer....../Dear God forgive us for speaking or acting in an unloving manner,help us to be more like You our loving heavenly Father ,in Jesus
name Amen/


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