verse of the day

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Keep me sweet. [ Ephesians 4 v 30-32 ]

God spoke to me about the dangers of bitterness,and its negative consequences on ones life.I don't like bitter things,sometimes one buys grapes and you looking forward to there lovely sweetness,only to discover that they are bitter. Instead of blessing me with their sweetness,all they are fit  for is to be thrown out. There is nothing more contradictory than a bitter Christian,what are  they are good for ?,there lives don't bless anyone,and never will.We can seek to justify our bitterness, frustrated plans,hurts we didn't deserve,being overlooked. You may be thinking and living with the bitter thoughts,life is not fair,but then who said it would be fair,visit a children's hospice,look at the news,how much suffering is going on.It was not fair what Jesus suffered,a cross,for what?,leaving heaven,doing good,no, life is not fair.Jesus says follow Me surrender your brokenness,and bitterness to Him,Deny yourself bitterness,and you will be the better for it.Continually we must come back to the cross,and let our hearts be cleansed by Calvary love.
                                     A  prayer.
Dear God heal my wounded broken spirit,cleanse me from bitterness,and fill me with Calvary love in Jesus name Amen.

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