verse of the day

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Make me a channel. [ 1 Corinthians 13 ]

Where I live there are two families and one family has what I describe as a hatred for the other family ,that manifests itself in very unkind ways.I have for many years observed this,and at this time ,the hatred has just raised its ugly head again.As I wrote this message ,I heard that lovely hymn on the radio,/Make me a channel of Your peace/,words based on the prayer by ST.Francis. the words, /Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love/, came as a challenge to me,as I thought on my neighbours,how can I bring His love to these two families?,let us consider the words of that hymn.
                           Make me channel of Your peace,
                           Where is hatred, let me bring Your love.
                            Where is injury,Your pardon,Lord,
                            where there's doubt,true faith in You.
                                In Jesus name we ask this Amen.

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