verse of the day

Thursday 13 November 2014

Identify[Hebrews 13 v3 ]

It is interesting as we read the Bible,how some of  Gods children are preserved from sufferings, not from testings ,all of Gods children will be tested.Yet not all of Gods children have to experience what we read of in Hebrews 11v36ff./ cruel mockings and scourgings,and imprisonments, and so the list goes on.The apostle Paul was destined to suffer [Acts 9 v16],for Christ's sake,consider the suffer of Joseph,also James the brother of John was put to death by the sword[Acts 12v2]. During my lifetime I have prayed for many Christians who were suffering under communisim, and at this present time many dear Christians are suffering at the hands of Moslem's,
and other Christ haters.First of all we who are not suffering such things 
are not to feel guilty,but they are,our family,and in Hebrews13v3, we are told,to remember those in prison,as if you were there yourself,remember those who are being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.
Next let us pray for those who are suffering for Christs sake,let us not underestimate the power of prayer,and as God leads ,support those agencies that are involved with those who are suffering.
                                      A  prayer.
 Dear Lord we bring to you all those who are suffering for Your sake,have mercy upon them,in Your name we ask this Amen.

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