verse of the day

Monday 17 November 2014

They could have had it all.[ Deuteronomy 11 v26]

It appears to me that most of the OT,is taken up with God continually speaking to a people who failed to obey Him,continually forsaken Him.There is a modern song which say's we could have had it all,Israel could have had it all,but in the end they lost it all.They were placed in the midst of pagan nations to be a light,they had the holy scriptures,but somehow that never appeared to be enough.They had Gods promise to bless and prosper them,yet they choose the road of a curse,cpDeuteronomy 11 v26.Victory could been assured against the strongest of enemies,shown in so many ways
David a man after Gods own heart, has victory a giant of  a man,because he trusted in God. Hezekiah saw the mighty army of Assyria defeated,because he trusted in His God,but when he took his eyes of God and upon foreign powers,he brought disaster upon his people[2 Kings20v14ff.]They experienced continual defeat ,when they could have known victory.If only the church of Christ would learn from Israel's experience,instead of,
straying  from their Lord,Likewise we as individuals need to learn  the lesson that we need to stay close to our Lord.Remember Israel could have had it all,but instead they lost it all,don't hold unto pointless traditions,like I witnessed on TV, people in a certain church feel that they have the the cup that Christ drank from, all they are doing is holding on to the shadows not the reality. I do not want to live in the shadows, I want to walk in the light,
                                   A  prayer
 Dear  Lord  help us to always keep You first in our lives, and to hold unto the truth that as been revealed in Your son Jesus,Amen]

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