verse of the day

Sunday 23 November 2014

Fallen leaders [ Galations 6 v 1 ]

C.J.H. Wright , while emphasising God ruling,/ that He still has to work through fallen human agents/.that means people like you and me.While the scriptures stress certain qualifications for leadership, CP 1Timothy 3, the fact is Christian leaders will always be imperfect.They are fallen human agents,the leaders themselves must recognise this as well as the church.
We rightly object to attribute infallibility to any church leader,and I don't just mean the bishop of Rome. Church leaders must be humble enough to accept they could be wrong,yes they are to lead the church but not as mini dictators. The church must do all they can to support their leaders,leaders need encouragement just like everyone else.As I write this my thoughts
turned to king Davids moral lapse,why was he allowed to remain king?.If a leader falls morally how should this be treated?,does this rule him out of ministry for ever?,it did not rule out David. David manifested repentance and God forgive him,and he was allowed to continue. God dealt with David he would be chastised by his loving Heavenly Father,in Gods own way.Fallen leaders can be restored like of us,and in Gods will restored to the ministry,Peter was,God saw his tears.
                                       A  prayer
 Dear Father keep those who have the responsibility of leadership within Your church,and if they fall,grant repentance,and even restoration to their ministry,in Jesus name. Amen

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