verse of the day

Friday 15 January 2010

Oh come all ye faithful [Matthew 25 v 14-30 ]

The importance of faithfulness cannot be exaggerated in the Christian life, God wants us to reflect His faithfulness, He is a faithful creator,He is a faithful Father to His children.In John 6v66,we read how,/ many of His disciples turned away and deserted Him/, Jesus had told them things they could not understand,so they left of following Him. He then turned to the twelve and asked,/ Are you also going to leave?/,they didnt ,they continued on, but later on they did forsake Him in the garden [ Mark 14v50 ] .There are many things than can cause us to leave of following Christ, to forsake Him,or to forsake our appointed task.The challenge I would bring to all of us is to be faithful to our Saviour, that in that coming day we will hear ,/ well done , My good and faithful servant,/[Matthew 25v21][ Dear Saviour help us to be faithful to You in all things Amen ]

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