verse of the day

Friday 8 January 2010

A kiss[ 1 Corinthians 13]

I was not happy with her, who must be obeyed and I told her, yes we are not the perfect couple, we do have disagreements, I suppose it is because we are not perfect individuals, we are a work in progress. So I went to bed but before I went to sleep I read a new devotional I had just bought, and I read the following,/Agree with one another, live in peace, and peace will be with you[2 Corinthians13v11] The writer Jonathan Edwards said this,/it is of vast importance that you should avoid contention. A contentious people will be a miserable people/. I felt challenged so I without saying anything give my wife a kiss on her forehead,we are at peace now. [ Dear God help us to at all times to be a peace maker,help us to live in peace and avoid contention,in Jesus name Amen]

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