verse of the day

Thursday 14 January 2010

Dont be fooled. [Romans 3 v 9ff]

I read this morning about a taxi driver who returned 13.000 dollars to a lady who had absentmindedly left it in his cab. My initial thought was good for him ,he didnt even want a reward, but then I had a thought if sin had not entered the human race, this would be the norm. I dont want to take away from what that man done, but we need to be reminded of a number of things. For all have sinned [Romans 3 v23],even the most honest person is a sinner, there are no perfect people,we all come short of the glory of God. The reason Christ came was because of your sin and mine, let us not be fooled in thinking less of our condition,than the Bible teaches, and let us if we are not saved, trust in Jesus for the forgivness of our sins. If we have done this ,then let us raise our voice in thankfulness to God , for His great mercy. [ Thank You Lord for saving my soul. Thank You Lord for making me whole. Thank You Lord for giving to me , Thy great salvation so rich and free, in Jesus name Amen ]

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