verse of the day

Tuesday 12 January 2010

It is alright to laugh.[Galations5 v22-23 ]

There is so much in the world that is sad, so many serious issues,sickness, poverty,injustice, hell, and so the list goes on, and yet God has also given us the gift of laughter, the capacity to enjoy a good book, a good movie, a lovely painting, a nice meal. The question is ,do we have to feel guilty if we laugh,and enjoy ourselves ?,we are told there is a time to cry, but there is also a time to laugh, there is a time to grieve, but also a time to dance.[Ecclesiasties 3v4] I was at a church on Sunday and the minister who is a godly man, said something that caused me to laugh, an elderly Christian took offence and walked out, he felt that what the minister said was inappropriate. I dont know if it was inappropriate, all I know is it made me laugh, and who knows mybe it made the Lord smile.[ Dear Lord we ask that you would help us to have a balance in our lives,to laugh as well as to cry, to endure but also to enjoy life, Amen ]

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