verse of the day

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Generous [ Matthew 5 13- 16 ]

I read these words in the Message, from Matthew 5,/Be generous with your lives/,, they bring a challenge first of all to be generous. Our Lord was generous ,when He performed the miracle of the loaves and the fishes [John 6]everyone was fed ,everyone,the good the bad ,everyone. Generous, there seems to me,that there is contradiction, in a Christian who is mean, the challenge is to be generous, but it goes further than that, it says be generous with our lives,this goes further than financial giving, a friend of mine works in a residential home ,she is past retirement age, yet she works long hours in caring for others. Being generous with our lives brings a big challenge,but as we take the challenge up, we are following in the footsteps of Him who laid down His life for us. [ Dear God we give You thanks for Your generosity towards us , in giving Jesus , and all that that means, and also You generosity to us in a multitude of ways each day , help us to be generous .Amen]

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