verse of the day

Monday 11 January 2010

Circumstances. [ Romans8 v 28-39]

In this world there are many who feel they are victims of circumstances, sometimes I feel a bit like that, things happen in our lives and we feel trapped. I was thinking that way this morning, when my mind was directed by the Holy Spirit , to Joseph [ Genesis 37-50]. Here was a man who experienced so many hurtful things, hated by his brothers, think about it, how would feel if your family hated you?. The hatred was so severe that they wanted to kill him,instead they sold him into slavery, as a slave he prospered, but then he was charged wrongly with attempted rape, he was then put into prison. Was he a victim of circumstances? no ,for God was with him,permitting it to happen ,and working it all out for his good and even for the good of his brothers who hated him. If God is with us we are not victims of circumstances, He is in control, yes even of those painful things, we are experiencing.It may not seem that way but it is, your God is in control, He has not failed you, nor forsaken you, but is with you every step of the let us all hold on to the truth of Romans 8 v28[av ] [Dear God we bring all our circumstances to You, those things that have happened, and are happening to us, we ask for grace, peace,and faith in Jesus name Amen ]

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