verse of the day

Sunday 24 January 2010

Dont give up. [ Matthew 7v 7-8 ]

In Matthew 15v 21-28, we read of a woman, a non-Jew who had a daughter ,possessed by a demon, she believed that Jesus could meet the need. It is obvious that this woman was desperate, she does not recieve much encouragement from the disciples and even from Jesus. Many of us would have given up, and gone home, and would have thought , well we have just got to live with the situation,so much for Christianty, they are all hypocrites and as for that person Jesus, He didnt help. The thing is she didnt give up and go home, she believed with all her heart that Jesus could meet the need, nothing was going to put her of, and Jesus responded to her faith, and healed her daughter. Let me ask you, what is your need? salvation, that must always be first,healing , deliverance. provision, a way forward, are you going to be put of by Christians, or even it seems by a Jesus who appears to be ignoring your cry for help. Learn from this woman, her persistant faith paid of, she kept asking,seeking,knocking, and Jesus responded ,and answered her prayer.[Dear Lord Jesus we praise You that You can meet our needs, no matter how great they are, help us not to be put of, by others, or even when it seems You are ignoring our prayers. Amen ]

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