verse of the day

Sunday 17 January 2010

I had a dream. [ Daniel 6 ]

Last night I had a dream, I seem to be dreaming more , it must be my age[Acts2v17], in my dream there was a lion, I was not afraid, I even took up a pitch fork to defend myself,but the lion did not attack me.Lions are powerful creatures, this became clear to me last year when we visited a zoo, we came to the lion inclosure, we were very near them,and for once they were not docile, the male lions were fighting over a female. The whole thing was very impressive, their size, and power, made one realize how hard it would be to defend oneself even with a pitch fork. The word of God tells us that the devil is like a roaring lion that is on the prowl seeking someone to devour, but it also tells us, that we are not to run away[1 Peter 5v8-9]My study Bible says,/ Keep your eyes on Christ, and resist the devil. Then says James, he will flee from you. [James 4v7]/[ Dear God and Father,as we are faced with the enemy of our souls, help us by Your grace to not run away, but to resist Him, in Jesus name Amen ]

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