verse of the day

Saturday 16 January 2010

Man flu [John 14 v1-6]

I have man flu, my nose is running, will I survive? of course I will, it is only a cold, the sun shall shine again, my cold will go. One day all sickness will be no more, no more cancers, no more death, no more earthquakes, no more cheating,lying, hating hurting, one day.[Revelation21v1-4] All these things will be gone forever, what a day that will be for the child of God, when they will be changed,[ 1 Corinthians15].As my study Bible says,/ In this present time, we all face limitations. Some have physical , mental or emotional disabilities. Some are blind...some may be deaf, some may be lame./Let us all look up for our redemption draweth nigh, when all will be changed, a little chorus comes to mind,/ It will be worth it all when we see Jesus, lifes trials will seem so small When we Christ. One glimpse of His dear face. All sorrow will e-rase, So bravely run the race, Till we see Christ.[ Dear Father grant us grace to bravely run the race till we see Jesus our Saviour Your Son ,Amen ]

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