verse of the day

Thursday 23 April 2009

The way of the cross. [ Matthew 5 v 38 - 48 ]

The sermon on the mount is very challenging,in Matthew 5v38-41, we are told not to resist an evil person, it speaks of turning the other cheek, of yielding to the unreasonable .The Apostle Paul emphasizes the truths of the sermon on the mount in his Romans letter, chapter 12 v 14 reads ,/ Bless those who persecute you. Dont curse them, pray that God will bless them. v17/Never pay back evil with evil. v19/Never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous God. This is the Calvary way, it is the way of the cross, and it is the way we have to go today, it is acting as Christ acted .When wicked people had done their worst to Him ,He prayed for their forgivness, He died loving His persecuters, it is not the worlds way, to them it is nonsense,we all have a choice today ,to go our Saviours way ,or our own way, whats it going to be?. [ Dear Lord Jesus help us to rise up to Your teaching, help us to walk the Calvary road, to take up our cross and follow You. Amen ]

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