verse of the day

Wednesday 8 April 2009

The jumble of life.[ Luke 10 v 38 - 42 ]

.Years ago in the far distant past there used to be jumble sales a favourite activity to raise money, they are no longer. Life often appears like piles of jumble, a mixture of so many things, as we consider this jumble we can despair, because we feel we cannot sort the jumble out. At times we feel overloaded, and dont know how we are going to manage in this jumble of life. There was a lady in the Bible who felt that life was a jumble ,her name was Martha, she had so much to do, she couldnt cope, so she did what most of us do she moaned and complained to Jesus. First of all Jesus gently rebuked her, and then He pointed to a person who had chosen to quitely stop and listen to Him. The jumble of life can only be dealt with if we let Jesus first of all deal with us, by getting us to bring Him into the situation, we need to continually seek the Lord , wait upon Him, bring all the jumble of life to Him, and if we do ,we will really be surprised how He will sort out all the jumble of life. [ Dear Lord Jesus sometimes life overwhelms us ,it really appears to be a jumble of things, so today we commit everything to You, for only You can enable us to cope, and only You can sort out the jumble of life . Amen ]

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