verse of the day

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Do what you can. [ Mark 14 v 3- 9 ]

There is an old Gospel hymn which goes,/ By and by when I look on His face , I wish I had given Him more/,and I am sure we all feel that to some extent, in relation to so much,our giving, witnessing, serving, and so on.Unfortunately this can lead to us feeling guilty , the result is we become a driven person,and find ourselves living under a cloud of condemnation, judging ourselves, and even judging others.The Christian life is very challenging, yes it does bring demands,but our Lord does not overburden us, we are not in a competition, to win His favour , we already have it.So today relax, do what you can, do what you can as unto your Lord, I believe that will please Him, and in the end that is what counts.[Father help us to relax today, help us to not be driven, but to be led, and to realise that we are loved,help us to do what we can, and leave that with You, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen ]

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