verse of the day

Friday 17 April 2009

Gods stange choices. [ 1 Corinthians 1 v26 - 29 ]

Each journey begins with one step, today we may be faced with many tasks , problems and difficulties, how are we to cope?.The answer one prayerful step at a time , let each step be bathed in prayer, each step depending on Gods help. Remember Gods way for you and me is the path of weakness, it may seem a strange way, not the worlds way,the worlds way is the survival of the strongest. Hudson Taylor was one of my spiritual heroes, he founded the China Inland Mission, he was introduced at a meeting as ,/ our illustrious guest,when he rose to speak, he said, Dear friends , I am the little servant of an illustrious Master/. The fact of the matter is,we are all little servants , of an illustrious Master, yet in our littleness Jesus can use us for His glory. [ Dear Lord Jesus, help us this day to know Your strength in our littleness, your power in our weakness,your help in our helplessness , Amen ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow I really needed that Bill