verse of the day

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Speaking and not thinking [ James 1 v 19 ]

In Luke 9 v 28 -36 , we read of Jesus , James, John and Peter going up a mountain to pray, there are times when we need to get away from the pressures of life. In this day and age when prayer meetings are in decline ,I am sure it would benifite us all to meet with other Christians, to pray, mybe your Christian workmates. We read that when Jesus prayed, something happened, we may not always realize ,that when we pray something happens,first of all God is listening,[ 1Peter 3 v 12] What happened was Moses and Elijah appeared unto Jesus, one was the great law giver , the other a great prophet, they spoke of Jesus exodus from the world , and as these two were about to leave,it was then that Peter spoke with out thinking. Today let us ask God to help us to not speak without thinking, to hold our tongue, and pray inwardly, and then as the Spirit guides, be quite or speak as He leads. [Father help us to control those impulses to speak when we should be quite, in Jesus name we ask this Amen ]

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