verse of the day

Saturday 25 April 2009

Frustrations [ Psalm 40 v 1 ]

Over my life I have had to contend with frustrations, times of unemployment, personal relationships , so the question is ,what does one do when faced with frustration?. It was Rudyard Kipling who wrote, / If you can keep your head when all about you ,Are losing theirs and blaming it on you/, now this is easier said than done. So what can we do ? a good question. First of all consider, that God is Sovereign , inspite of everything that may be going wrong, he is in control,He has not suddenly fallen asleep on the job. Secondly ,God is in the buisness of creating ,in us, Christian character, and one of most important characteristics is patience, consider how patient Christ was with the disciples, we all without exception have need of patience.Thirdly, Prayer,we all know the importance of prayer,but we all have still much to learn about it, so our great teacher brings us into situations to teach us. [Dear Father in Heaven, we bring all our frustrations to You,and we ask that You would minister peace into our hearts, and a trust in your Sovereign purposes, we ask this in our Saviours precious name , Amen ]

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