verse of the day

Friday 1 January 2021

The future. ( Isaiah 50 v 10 )

 In 1939 Great Britain and many other countries were facing a very uncertain future, Germany  ruled by a  dictator called Hitler,  had set his sights on conquest by force  on the nations of Europe. The British Prime Minister thought he had secured peace, and the nation rejoiced, but alas it was not  so, and so war was declared. Difficult and uncertain times lay ahead the then King George the sixth on 25th of December 1939 ,spoke to the nation on the radio, his young daughter  Princess Elisabeth, passed unto him a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins, called,' The Gate of the Year', the king read this in his talk. Considering the uncertainties that we as a nation face and indeed the world ,its is a very appropriate poem to read. As  someone has said, 'No one knows what the 'New Year 'will bring, but God knows'.  

                                      'And I said to the man who stood  at the gate of the year, 

                                       Give me a light that I may tread safely  into the unknown,

                                        And he replied,   

                                        Go out into the darkness, and put your  hand, in the Hand of God  ,

                                        That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.'

That God ,can be known through Jesus his Son, who said '' I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life''.  (John 8 v 12 )



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