verse of the day

Sunday 3 January 2021

It is not fair. ( Romans 12 v 19 - 21 )

 Looking back on my life, I think  of the many friends I've had along the way, one of my earliest friends was Billy Harris, although it wasn't all smooth going the friendship, bearing in mind ,we were both in primary school, in other words we were both very young. We had a fight and I bit him, no I didn't  try to eat him, no I just bit him, he  got over it, we still remained friends for a few years. I  remember going to his home, and his mother  sent him out to get some shopping, we both  went, and  when his mum asked him for the change, he had lost it. In those days money was short, so his mother was very upset, so she started blaming me, I  didn't take it ,or should I say, steal it, no I was innocent, he was my friend.  It is not nice being blamed for something one didn't do, think  of Joseph accused wrongly of trying to rape someone ,and for that he spent many years in prison. He could not do anything about it, it was not fair or just.  In   1 Peter 2 , Peter writes about those who suffer wrongly, and gives the greatest example of that in Jesus, and this is what we read, ' Who when he was reviled, did not revile in return; when he suffered , He did not threaten , but committed ( or entrusted ) himself  to Him who judges righteously' ( v 23 )

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