verse of the day

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Adapting ( Philippians 4 v 13 )

 As one looks at life  ,one of the great lessons one has to learn, is to adopt to so many things, because  if one  doesn't then life can become  difficult . I suppose there are three groups of people in life in relation to adapting. those  who do adopt, those who struggle with adapting, and those who refuse to adopt. Those who willingly embrace the challenge of adopting ,who say I am going  to do it, I am going to embrace it , and they do,  The worlds population is on the move ,people are having to live in new countries, and many of them do, and then there others who retire to foreign countries, and never learn the language of their new country. When the industrial revolution came in ,life changed dramatically, many fought against it, to no avail.  The Bible is full of examples of people like Abraham who had to adopt to a new life in a foreign  country, the Israelites  in exile. It is inevitable  that change will come  ,we loose our job, a loved one, old age with all the changes that can bring. It is vital that we learn to adopt in life, if you are a Christian then you have  a decided advantage ,I hear someone say ,no I haven't, yes you have, you have Christ with you. If you are old, remember the Christ of your youth, is still the Christ of your old age. Every change that comes into your life is not a reason to wring ones hands in despair, it is an opportunity to prove the faithfulness of God, to trust Him to help you to adopt ,to every new situation ,and He will.

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