verse of the day

Friday 15 January 2021

No hiding place ( 2 ) ( Romans 8 v 38 - 39 )

Let us take another look at Psalm 139 v 7 - 12, 'Where can I go from your Spirit? where  can I flee from your presence ?. If I  go up to the heavens, you are  there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of a dawn, if I  settle on the far side of the sea, even there you hand will guide me,  your  right hand will hold me fast. If  I say,' Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become  night   around me ,'even  the darkness will not be dark to you,  the night  will shine like day, for darkness is as light to you.'  When I was young  my friends and I  would play a game  called ' Hide and Seek', when are first parents sinned, we read that they hid from the Lord  God,  Gen 3 v 8. Since then humanity  has foolishly  tried to hide from God, but the fact is there is no hiding place from God. For although God  is in heaven, his presence is everywhere. The term we use to describe this, is omnipresence ,that God  is immanent in his creation. Herbert  Lockyer, writes,' No matter where we are, or may go, the  words stand -Thou God seest me -  which is blessed to those who know Him  as Father and Friend'. In China at this time a Christian brother called Gao Zhisheng has disappeared,  taken away by the authorities, in some   hidden  detention centre,  his friends and family don't know where he is, but God knows, and not only knows, but God's presence is with that dear brother.

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