verse of the day

Friday 25 January 2013

Will they call us? [ Proverbs 10 v7 ]

I have finished reading my book on Judson of Burma, what a noble soul he was, one of his greatest legacy's is the Bible he translated,the only one ever to be translated. He was by all accounts a brilliant scholar,he was truly fitted for the task God give him,but he experienced so many difficulties,he witnessed the death of his wives.three in all,they were also godly,and he witnessed the death of many of his children. He experienced imprisonment,and sickness,and dangers at sea,but in it all, he remained faithful,he and his dear family, were the corn of wheat that fell into the ground and died,and produced much fruit. Our Saviour said that if we cling to our lives,we will lose them,but if we give our lives for Him we will find them[Matthew 10 v39].We read that the memory of the just is blessed[ Proverbs 10 v7 ],and truly that can be said of the Judsons,what memory will we leave, what legacy will we leave,will people rise up and call us blessed?.
A prayer.....Dear God we thank You for the Judsons who served You faithfully ,their memory is truly blest,give us grace to follow in their footsteps in Jesus name Amen./

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