verse of the day

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Are you an Alien?[ Romans 3 v23 ]

I must confess that yesterday was a black dog day,I was not all sweetness and joy,if I had a dog I may have kicked it ,but then it may have bit me back.There are days not to many when the flesh appears to rule,and not the Spirit, oh yes there are reasons,but that does not make it right. I watched a movie about this Alien who came with the message that they ,his fellow aliens were going to wipe out humanity,because we were so bad,you see they must have been perfect aliens. Now of course I don't believe in aliens,but then many of us act like aliens we judge others as imperfect, the prodigals brother was an alien,he was the goody,his brother the baddy,who deserved only judgement. The bad days remind me that,I am a sinner saved by grace ,it reminds me,how much I need the grace of God, and why Jesus had to come.It reminds me that the best of men are but men,likewise the best of women,there are no exceptions.The great apostle Paul struggled with his imperfections to the point of despair [Romans 7v24 ],but the despair turned to relief, when the light dawned afresh,that he had a Saviour[7v25]. Yes a Saviour,remember,He saved us ,,He is saving us, and He will save us,now let me ask you the question are you an alien.
A  prayer...../Dear God thank You that You will never leave us nor forsake us even in those days or moments when we fail to rise above our fallen humanity, in Jesus name Amen/

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