verse of the day

Thursday 10 January 2013

Loosing weight.[ Matthew 18 v 8-9 ]

In Hebrews 12v1,we are exhorted to lay aside every weight,now the writer has likened the Christian faith as to a race, and the last thing one wants in a race is to have carry a weight.. That is obvious, but it does not always appear obvious, for many of us hold unto  things that  we should cast of.When people often came to Jesus desiring to follow Him,He would tell them that they would have to leave certain things behind,and even certain people. Yet even as Christians we accumulate things,habits,yes even people that we could consider as weights,that are hindering us.It is Hughes who writes about /Greek contestants in a race would strip naked,so the Christian should discipline himself [ 1 Cor 9 v25/27 ] and shun every excess which would hamper or incapacitate him as a participant in the greatest of all contents/.  The flesh will not like it but it is for the best,Pink in his exhaustive commentary on Hebrews writes of the demands of faith, and it is our Saviour who challenged Peter with the words,/lovest thou Me, more than these?[John 21v15]. For the Love of Jesus let us cast of those weights that are holding us back,and hindering us,in our Christian life.
A  prayer ..../Dear God help us to cast of everything that hinders us in Jesus name Amen /

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