verse of the day

Friday 11 January 2013

Run with patience. [ James 5v 11 ]

The next thing we are told is,to run with patience the race that is set before us,I wonder how important do you think patience is?It is Vine who writes of three aspects of patience [1]The patient waiting for Christ. [2] Patient in our suffering as Christ was in is [Hebrews 12v2] [3] Being patient in the hope of Christs triumph and our deliverance.In an impatient world the Christian is called upon to exercise patience.Often when God gives a promise ,we are called upon to exercise patience,until the promise is fulfilled,Abraham is a great example of this ,although He and Sarah became impatient,a common human trait . As we exercise patience we are developing faith,and our becoming more Christlike,consider how patient He is with this world and with us. We may cry out I want it now,but God whispers be patient,we may think our opportunity is gone,God says be patient,we may say why did God not act sooner,He replies ,be patient. Be still. my soul,the Lord is on thy side, bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide.
A prayer....../ Dear God grant me patience today,as I follow Your dear son Jesus Amen/

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