verse of the day

Tuesday 1 January 2013

A happy eternity. [ Hebrews 11 v 8-16 ]

There was a godly minister who would wish his students a happy eternity,a happy eternity grants to us a vision of how we should live the incoming year, we must have eternal vision at all time.We are giving reminders of this by the messengers of death,my brother lost his dear wife suddenly,likewise a neighbour lost her mother. As to this life we are not going to live for ever,Methuselah lived to be 969 years of age,but in the end he still die,yes we are not going to live for ever,for as we are told ,it is appointed unto man once to die[Hebrews 9 v27], and that is an appointment which we will all have to keep.Is it possible to consider a happy eternity?yes it is, if we live in the light of eternity.The biggest if, is ,if we know Christ as our Saviour,so many dear people don't,and for them it will not be a happy eternity. I was listening  to my favourite radio programme recently,a little old lady, reminded all those listening that for the believer the best is yet to be. Success here brings its rewards,but they are only temporal,it is not that success here is not important,it is,but as to eternity,it can count for nothing. Success without Christ is folly,for it is only as we know Christ,and serve Christ, can we ever hope for a happy eternity
A  prayer.../.Dear God grant that we will all have a happy eternity in Jesus name Amen /

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