verse of the day

Wednesday 23 January 2013

We have a soul. [ Matthew 10 v28 ]

I went to see the movie Les  Miserables if you go to see it take a hankie or tissues to wipe the tears away,it is full of deep realism,showing the harshness of life, and severe injustice of the times.The main character played by Hugh Jackson ,plays the part of a convict ,serving nineteen years for stealing bread to feed his starving family,is granted parole. But as an ex prisoner he receives no help from anybody until he comes in contact with a priest,who befriends him,feeding him,and giving him a bed for the night.During the night Valjean steals silver ,and flees only to be arrested and brought back to the priest.Who declares that he gave him the things and also gives him some more stuff to take with him.The actions by the priest has a profound effect upon Valjean,who later on declares,he taught me I had a soul. Yes he had a soul and so has every person, unlike animals we have a soul ,so many, many, people live as if they are just material being,but not so, we are made in Gods image,eternity is in our hearts,and we neglect this truth to our eternal hurt.No matter how wicked people in their animal behaviour become let us never loose sight that they have an never dying soul.
A prayer .../Almighty God have mercy upon humanity,that have forgotten that they have a soul,in Jesus name ,who came to save their never dying souls Amen /

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