verse of the day

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Small is safe.[Philippians 4 v11 ]

I wonder why a man of God like David committed adultery ?,was it because he departmentalized his life?,it seems that he saw at that time,that he was king, and a very powerful king, and being king he could take certain liberties. In other words he felt that this department in his life was free from the restraints,that his subjects had to submit to.A number of USA presidents I believe thought this, and it would appear that Henry the 8th may have thought this also ,and indeed Charles the 1st. This is the danger for all of us if we are placed in position of authority, we can so easily feel that we can act in ways ,yes like David, that are contrary to our relationship with God. Could it be that God keeps us in a lowly place,because He knows us better than we know ourselves, knows the danger of being lifted up to a position of power and influence.My ministry has always been to small groups, I pastored a small church,was an elder in a small church , minister regulary at small groups, why?,because it was best, and safe for me.
A prayer ...../ Dear God we thank You for Your wisdom and understanding, for choosing what is best for us in Jesus name Amen /

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