verse of the day

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Deliverance.[ Psalm 18 v 2 ]

Here is another song I have just listened to ,it is a war time song,it goes,/There will be blue skies over the white cliffs of Dover./ As we get further away from the events of the 2nd world war,and the older generation dies of,we are lest inclined to appreciate those events, and the absolute dire situation our country and the world faced.If Germany had invaded England ,it is unthinkable the thought,for it would have affected the world,but it didnt happen,blue skies are over the white cliffs of Dover. How did this country survive, to God be the glory, great things He hath done, we were to some extent a Christian country, and God in His mercy granted a deliverance. If the Nazies had succeeded ,they would have destroyed so much,and they would have indoctinated our youth with their false beliefs,the weak would have gone to the wall,and hitler would have become a god to them. So today raise a prayer of thanksgiving, for such a deliverance, and if you are in a situation that is threatening you, yes even with death, there is a God in Heaven ,who hears and answers prayer,and can deliver you.
A prayer...../ Dear God thank You for past deliverances from evil powers that would have enslaved us , as we face life and those evil forces that would harm and even threaten to destroy us,grant us deliverance ,in Jesus name Amen /

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