verse of the day

Saturday 21 April 2012

The darkness within. [Acts 3 v14 ]

I am in the process of reading a book called ,The end: Hitlers Germany, by Ian Kershaw, and I also watched the film,The Pianist.The  book seeks to analysis why Germany never surrendered, when it was obvious that the war was lost, and the film is about a pianist who was a Jew, who survived ,the awful fate ,of his fellow Jews,in Warsaw ,under the Nazies.As one reads about the awful fact that a party like the Nazies got into power, and survived in power,one asks many questions. And when one considers the evils perpetrated by that nation,one asks the question why?,after all Germany is were the reformation started, Germany was, a so called civilised country.Not only does one ask questions but one begins to judge them, and condemn them,am I right?,and the answer is, I am not right.Consider the words of Jeremiah 17 v9,/The heart is decieitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?/ Let the truth of those words take hold of us,the fact of matter is,we do not know our hearts,our sinful natures and the depths it can sink to. As I consider my sinful heart,and consider the wickedness of nations or individuals like Anders Behring Breivik of Norway who coldly murdered many young people, I can only trully say, there but by the grace of God go I. The word of God declares ,that Christ came to save sinners, that includes everyone,for we are all sinners, oh yes justice must be done,if not now, it most certainty will be done in eternity.Yes let us pray that justice will be done, but above all else, let us pray that God will preserve all of us from falling into some heinous sin.
A  prayer...../ Dear God deliver us from all evil, you alone know the darkness of our hearts,and the depths of evil lurking there, have mercy upon us in Jesus name Amen./

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